I love working with my hands and am born with the "how hard could it be?"-gene making me fearless when guided by my inspiration. I dabble in all kinds of crafts and bounce between textiles, painting, woodworking, gardening and any other medium I feel like exploring
All my artcraft is handmade be me alone in my small home studio in Turku. I enjoy experimenting and your guess is as good as mine when it comes to saying what´s up next.
I get all my materials from flea markets. There is such an abundance of fabrics circling around and I find limiting myself to using only second hand bought materials (besides paints etc) to be incredibly inspiring.
My designs change in style with the season and my daily mood. Just as no illustration or painting is exactly the same, my textile art also varies in shapes and forms as every piece gets its personal marks.
I have been brought up in an eclectic home and both my parents are collectors and creatives. This has formed me into a lover of colors and patterns and I very much live by the statement more is more.

I have a degree in photography and have since I graduated worked with my own creative business. My goal with Verna is to build a creative space where I can experiment freely with different mediums.
Beyond that my dream is to one day be able to bring Vera into the real word and open a shop and creative space. Somewhere where I could continue my craft and open the doors for more opportunities and inspiring meetings with different people.